Here are the instructions and links to obtain the required volunteer clearances to be submitted with Eden’s Volunteer Registration Form. Hard copy volunteer clearances must be submitted in a sealed envelope along with Eden's Volunteer Registration Form to the Volunteer Coordinator at one of your children's campuses OR clearances and Eden's Volunteer Registration Form can be emailed to
If you have been a continuous resident of Pennsylvania for the past 10 years, you are required to submit each of the following:
Pennsylvania State Police Clearance (free for Volunteers)
Apply online at Click “New Volunteer Record Check” Button and follow the steps indicated.
NOTE: The “Record Check Status Detail” is NOT the actual clearance. Applicants must click on the words “Certification Form” in the middle of the screen in order to view and print the official clearance certificate. The official Criminal Record Check clearance should have the seal as a watermark on this form.
Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance (free for Volunteers)
Apply online at You will need to create an individual account. Once you obtain your login ID and password, go to “Individual Login”, select “Access My Clearances”, read the 'Learn More' page and at the bottom of the page, click “Continue”. Go to “Create Clearance Application” and scroll down to "Begin". Indicate “Volunteer Having Contact with Children” as your purpose of certification. Complete the application.
Signed “Volunteer Clearance Exception” statement
Click to Print from website and sign
Signed Eden Volunteer Registration Form
Click to Print from website and sign
If you have NOT been a continuous resident of Pennsylvania for the past 10 years, you are required to submit each of the following:
Pennsylvania State Police Clearance (free for Volunteers)
Apply online at Click “New Record Check” Button and follow the steps indicated.
NOTE: The “Record Check Status Detail” is NOT the actual clearance. Applicants must click on the words “Certification Form” in the middle of the screen in order to view and print the actual clearance certificate. The actual Criminal Record Check clearance should have the seal as a watermark on this form.
Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance (free for Volunteers)
Apply online at You will need to create an individual account. Once you obtain your login ID and password, go to “Individual Login”, select “Access My Clearances”, read the 'Learn More' page and at the bottom of the page, click “Continue”. Go to “Create Clearance Application” and scroll down to "Begin". Indicate “Volunteer Having Contact with Children” as your purpose of certification. Complete the application.
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Clearance ($22.60 – volunteer responsible for this cost)
If a volunteer has not been a resident of Pennsylvania for the previous 10 years, but obtained their FBI certification at any time since establishing residency, they may provide a copy of the certification and are not required to obtain any additional FBI certification. If they have not already obtained a FBI clearance then they should follow the instructions below:
The PA Department of Education has partnered with IDEMIA to provide a secure capture and transmission of applicants’ fingerprints at IdentoGO Centers. IdentoGO Centers are located throughout the state. See and click on the “Locations” link in the upper right corner. IdentoGO facilities’ hours of operation can be found there as well.
Visit the IdentoGO website to register online at The Service Code for Volunteers is 1KG6ZJ.
After online registration, proceed to an IdentoGO fingerprint facility. at
For FAQs or more information on fingerprinting services, locations, or scheduling see
When fingerprinting is complete, you will be provided with a receipt bearing a UEID number. You must turn in the UEID number to us.
4. Signed Eden Volunteer Registration Form
Click to print out this form and sign